FIMER’s centralized storage inverters (ESS) are suitable for any type of storage applications, such as:
Renewable energy generation
Capacity firming: power generation from a renewable source can be maintained at a defined level for a period of time having the ESS compensating the energy. Voltage and power swings on the network are smoothed as well.
Four quadrant operation: the ESS is able to generate or absorb both active and reactive power.
Peak shaving: the excess energy produced can be stored and be released at a later stage, when needed. Therefore, grid or generator upgrades can be postponed, and the price of energy can be maximized.
Fault Ride Through - FRT: the ESS can support the FRT according to local requirements.
Frequency regulation: in case of grid frequency increase or decrease, the Energy Storage System absorbs or releases active power with an extremely rapid time response.
Frequency regulation: in case of grid frequency increase or decrease, the Energy Storage System is charged or discharged with an extremely rapid time response.
Spinning reserve: the Energy Storage System is charged and ready to respond to a grid (generation or transmission) outage. The time response is adjustable according to the network requirements. The operation of the generators can be optimized since idle capacity is no more necessary.
Voltage regulation: in case of grid voltage increase or decrease, the Energy Storage System is charged or discharged with an extremely rapid time response.
Capacity firming: power generation froma renewable source can be maintained at a defined level for a period of time having the ESS compensating the energy. Voltage and power swings on the network are smoothed as well.
Load leveling: the excess energy produced can be stored and be released at a later stage, during high demand periods. Therefore, grid or generator upgrades can be postponed, and the price of energy can be maximized.
Peak shaving: in case of variable loads, the energy peak demand can be supplied by the ESS. Therefore, network or generation investments can be avoided or postponed, and the cost of energy can be minimized.
A typical application is Railroads (Railway, Metro, Tramway and Trolleybus) where the accelerating or braking of trains generate peaks (in demand or supply) that can be absorbed by the ESS.
Power quality: thanks to the fast response time, the ESS helps to protect the loads against short duration events (voltage dips, frequency variation, etc.) that affect the quality of the energy.
Mini grid & energy management
On-line management of power-flows between the different sources
Contemporary load supply with all the sources: PV, Batteries, Diesel Genset and Grid
Load supply from the grid through a by-pass or through the power converter.
Islanding: Off-grid operation mode with only PV and batteries
Outage management: automatic and seamless transition from grid-tied to off-grid operation (depending on the ESS configuration)
Batteries charging from PV or from grid even during load supply
- Max Efficiency, up to 98,9%
- Nominal AC Voltage: 400 VAC +-10%
- Battery Voltage Range: 675 - 1250 VDC
- Max power: 1025 kW
- Modular inverter (MPS system)
- Elimination of machine downtime
- Easy maintenance
- Long service life
- Use of a single magnetic component for each module
- Advanced modularity (based on the IPCCM algorithm)
- Continuous monitoring of the system and integrated datalogger
- Outbound communication