FIMER offers several interfaces and accesories for the data transfer of PVI, UNO, TRIO, ULTRA, CORE and PLUS solar inverters.
Allows active and reactive power control according to EEG-2009§6 and BDEW
- Offers 4 digital inputs and 2 analog inputs for active and reactive power control
- Permits the integration with an external acquisition and data control system via two RS485 ports (from Inverter to Modbus)
- Capable to control up to 32 Inverters or 55 kW modules
- Power supply transformer provided
PVI-RS485-MODBUS protocol converter
Protocol converter from Aurora proprietary protocol to Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP
- Up to 32 inverters or 55 kW modules connected
- Multi-drop bus connection allowed for RTU
- 50 Hz transformer and cables are provided
- No active-reactive power control in Modbus RTU
PVI-USB-RS232_485 serial port converter
Allows serial interfacing between photovoltaic inverters and computer via RS485 link
- Operating systems supported: Win XP, Win 7, and Linux based
- Works with centralized and string inverters
- No power supply needed (auto-supplied via USB port)
Compatible software:
- Communicator – Monitoring of string and centralized inverters
- Installer - Managing and monitoring of string inverters
- CVI Central - Managing and monitoring of centralized inverters
- Stringcomb Installer – Managing and monitoring of string combiner
- Manager – Configuration and monitoring software