Organizational model and line of ethics
FIMER has implemented an organizational, management and control model, in compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree n° 231/2001.
Decree 231/2001
The document implemented defines how FIMER employees and third parties involved with the Company are required to behave in order not to commit the crimes regulated by the mentioned Decree.
If committed in the interest of or for the benefit of the Company, these crimes may result in the latter having an administrative responsibility in violation of the Italian Legislative Decree n. 231/2001, with consequent exposure of the Company to a sanctioning risk having a serious nature. Any report, concerning illegal conduct relevant under Legislative Decree 231/2001 or violations of the aforementioned Model, has to be transmitted to FIMER's supervisory body, in compliance with the terms described in the organizational model.
Download the documents below to discover more.

Code of Ethics